In recent years, smart sensor technology has been rapidly gaining popularity as a solution to water waste in multi-unit dwellings. One company leading the charge in this area is Sensor Industries, whose toilet and flood sensors have been installed in numerous college dorms with tremendous success.

The sensors are designed to detect leaks and water usage in real-time, allowing property owners to monitor water usage and identify areas where conservation efforts could be improved. For example, if a toilet is running continuously, the sensor will detect this and send an alert to the property management team, who can then send someone to fix the problem. This not only saves water but also saves money on water bills.

In addition to detecting leaks and wasteful water usage, Sensor Industries’ flood sensors have also been installed in student housing communities to prevent water damage and costly repairs. These sensors detect water on the floor and send an alert to property management, who can then take action to stop the water flow and prevent further damage.

The installation of these sensors has been hugely successful, with many property owners reporting significant savings on water bills and reduced maintenance costs. For example, at one student housing facility in California, the installation of Sensor Industries’ toilet and flood sensors resulted in a savings of over $30,000 in just one year.


But the benefits of smart sensors in student housing communities go beyond just cost savings. They also help to promote sustainable living and environmental responsibility among students, who are often the biggest water users in these communities.

The installation of smart sensors in student housing communities has been a game-changer in the fight against water waste. With companies like Sensor Industries leading the charge, we can expect to see even more innovative solutions to water conservation in the future.